- Appointment Manager
Selected Rows now have a rose shaded background
- Affiliations grid is now open by default
Fixed logic that was causing incorrect end dates based on inactive dates
- Dates now format at YYY-MM-DD
Rank is now showing in the dropdown
- Fixed logic that was causing incorrect end dates based on inactive dates
- Fixed issue with URL not populating and when clicking reload doesn’t load the page
- CAS Authentication fixes
Fixed issue that was causing Actions to load incorrectly when clicking from one appointment to the next
- Fixed issue where review were not showing after being saved
- When a new rank is done in the Action panel the system updates the appointment rank to match
- VA and IMC only show affiliation. Not appointments
Grids now load if only one user is returned
- Department is now visible on Separation modal
- Increased time for login sessions
When a user creates a review it automatically becomes selected
Users can now add multiple duplicate review types and they show in the Review Type grid