
Home Question How is a faculty member cited as an author if they were part of a large group/team?

How is a faculty member cited as an author if they were part of a large group/team?

Private: Questions & AnswersCategory: U-CV SystemHow is a faculty member cited as an author if they were part of a large group/team?
u6001240 asked 9 years ago

Lewis L, Onsongo M, Njapau H, Schurz-Rogers H, Luber G, Kieszak S, Nyamongo J, Backer L, Dahiye AM, Misore A, DeCock K, Rubin C, Kenya Aflatoxicosis Investigation Group (2005). Aflatoxin contamination of commercial maize products during an outbreak of acute aflatoxicosis in eastern and central Kenya. Environ Health Perspect, 113(12), 1763-7.

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